Sonntag, 29. Juli 2018

Here comes "Next".

Yet again the universe has changed and travels may continue. Technology that I once held at high value is now garbage. No problem though. Starting over is what I learned to do best. Particularly since I woke up with a hangover so many years ago, with a wrecked spaceship at the edge of the Universe.

I followed up on the transmission by Artemis, in order to find a continuation. Sure enough, I found his translation the moment I left the local space station. My ship transponders where to weak though to enable a proper communication.

My scanners indicated tough a communication tower on one of the near by planet.
After a quick fix I was able to get face to face with Artemis.

Yes. In case you wondered. I also got a Face to my name now.

Alright. This Dude is stranded just like I was. Though without a spaceship.
He claims that I took his, though we all know that got to be rubbish.
I a universe that big, the odds would be impossible.
Though, let's go and get him.

Got to help a fellow traveler / interloper.
... and then we look again for the Galactic Hub
... after buffing up the ship & equipment once more.

Dienstag, 5. September 2017

100.000 ly Dimensional stretch

Steering straight on to a Wormhole sounds like a bad Idea, though in this Universe it's actually quite a ride.

When falling into it you first fear to get to know pretty soon how one feels as a 2 dimensional, though just as you get surrounded by the event horizon a new way forwards seems to open itself up to you and it feels more like a stretch while you are getting sucked through it.

On the other end the Wormhole the Exit instantly collapses, so you got to jump for two to three systems to find the next one Wormhole until you can make yet again another random jump.
The term Black hole Roulette seems quite fitting actually.

After 5 Umps I got to a relative close distance to where I need to go.
With my current 400 ly Jump Driver i am now only 100 jumps away of where I'd aim to go for.

Damn. The Universe is Massive. ... like ... Huuuugely massive.

The moment that I entered the atmosphere of the first planet where I exited, an entity called Artemis tried to make contact with me. Oddly enough I only found a crash site which very much reminded me about the situation that I found myself in just about a year ago.

Just one system next to it I found yet another weird Building that seems to have no purpose other than looking good and spinning like it would be waiting for activation. I marked it for now and might come back to it an other day.

For now I am determined to get to the Galactic Hub and potentially have look out for Artemis along the way.

Montag, 4. September 2017

The Journey continues, ...

It was a year ... or longer at which I was at drift without aim.
Sometimes it felt like doing the same thing over and over, but that is now a thing of the past.

Looks like I am back in the verse, back on track and there is much to explore.
The galactic Core is of no interest to me any more after I have hear about the Galactic Hub Project

Hence 5 things have changed and have filled me up with great spirrit.
  1. There is a Support fleet that I can count upon.
  2. There are places that I can make my home, with the add on benefit that one can teleport back to it from any space station with the right teleport equipment.

  3. There is a new way of making money oppose to only harvesting vortex cubes or mining.

    actually... there seems to be a new currency all together taking over the galaxy. Nanite Clusters. Will have to find out about it as soon as I can at the next Trading post.
  4. I am no longer alone in the Verse after I found within a data-bank the indication of travellers just like me. They call , ... we call our-self the Interloper.
  5. I have a new Target. Reaching the Galactic Hub & join the Interloper.
considering thought that I am 1.1 Million light years away of it I am considering to throw the coin and myself with my ship into a random Black hole in order to jump closer. A few random nomad traders at the station told me that this is the way the get around so much (and I personally hope not rid of competition ... though even the Atlas Priest seems to confirm it ... lets see).

Tomorrow I will dare the jump

Samstag, 20. August 2016


Hyperdrive Fuel problems solved
My Hyperdrive went faster empty than I thought. There was one Jump of 120 Light years, which I guess took twice as much than other jumps, on my current engine. Still got to monitor this more closely though, as I am not certain about that.

As I now learned how to make Suspension fluid, Electron Vapor, Antimater and combine it into a Warp Cell, I wont have to pay for Hyper Drive fuel anymore.

All of those parts are luckily also the basic materials available within any system I have been to so far.

In total one needs following for a Warp Cell:
  • Carbon - 50
  • Plutonium - 100
  • Heredium - 50
  • Zinc - 20
  • Thanium - 100 
Source of more Units Solved
Found out that a 40+ slot ship costs 50+ million Units. Hence I need to upgrade sooner or later, I got to save a bit further after all (unless I can salvage one somewhere).
Luckily I found the formula for Lemmium. Which is a material that is sold at about 36 thousand per piece, and the building blogs are Titanium and Plutonium, ... which are available quite in abundance. At the next Titanium rich planet I will fill up on this and start crafting for another couple of million Units.

Today my path brought me along following System
  • Izanskyvin
  • Urovkoelidre
  • Napatilakruh
  • Gronistystyc
  • Methandigetsbed
  • Olionabandu
  • Ekopinberais
  • Majoskabelat
  • Eijoitalsv
  • Inveyfaripu
  • Iyangdonish
  • Litonquumoud
  • Butzentsuruum-Dayzh
  • UsonomiYashima
  • Ideranimer Bands
  • Nahayamanao
This accounts for about 1.500 light years.
In the last system I found another crash-landed ship and within its trunk a Hyper Drive that is stronger then mine. Looking at it, I will need a lot of aluminium to fix it into my ship, and a lot of cooper to wire it up.

With that I got myself a new task list for another day, before I travel on. 

Freitag, 19. August 2016

On the path again

Within one week I now got myself to a level where I am equipped with a 24 slot Mining Tool and my ship is upgraded to a level where I can defend myself.

Since I left the Miridias System, with an account full of units, I have the pirates on my exhausts like a cow flies at it's backside. Sometimes they even come in a pack of 6. Could though also be the content of my cargo bay. Naturaly I left with a full one and am now slowly trading it of, depending on the market situation of the local system.

Found the materials and a blue print to upgrade my hyper-drive (in a abandoned facility, where I broke down the door and disabled the security system), with which I was able to upgrade the max range from 60 to 80 light years. Totally worth being chase out of the system.

What I cant find anywhere yet is the element Omegon. A material that is useful for top grade upgrades. Not even for sale.

I am coming across more and more, amphibian looking, Gek though.

Just when I started to understand the Vi'keen a bit better, I had to adjust and start learning another language. Wondering how often I will have to switch around at that, till I am back at the core.

Next short term goal is go on to a straight line towards the core, until i run out of hyper-drive fuel and then invest into a 48 slot cargo ship, in case one comes along. For the next day or so I am though grounded at a the space station two system past Meridas, hence I got patch some holes that a view pirates punched into my shield generator at the last meeting with some of their sorts.

I fear it is only getting worse at that. Might have to upgrade even further.

Donnerstag, 18. August 2016

Still here, still farming.

Am at 10 mil units now, and still farming.
I guess I go for another 14 mil units and than I go on, in regards to my way to the core.

There are just so many of them ... it's cracy.
Am sitting here on the mother-load ! 

Am getting more and more comfortable with exploring the caves, inclusive the underwater caves.
At first I feared not to be able to find the exit and worst case to not find my way back to the ship.
Though I seem to gotten my navigational problems under control now.

Got myself some more Suit and Multi tool space upgrades.

Through a Transmitter I also found a crashed ship. Had one storage place more then mine, though to much damage, inclusive the Hyper drive been damaged and that made it not worth it in the end.

The caves by themselves do also have there own kind of beauty.

Made no progress in regards to my current situation, other than learning some more of the Vy'keen language.

Montag, 15. August 2016

Planet: Plenty Vortex Cubes and a Portal @ Meridias V.Cube Rush

Region: Edge to the Tsildop Fringe, though still in Lafquenotc Boundary
System: Meridias V.Cube Rush
Planet: Plenty Vortex Cubes and a Portal
Not far of Euclid Galaxy - I think, still not exactly sure where I was stranded out here)
The following says it all.
(Took about 10 min to collect the above)

Lukily the planet is also full of plutonium and Language interfaces.
Or caves where I found 30 within a range of 3 minutes.

Just about 178 thousand light years of the core.
{dammit, that's still a long way to go}

The Vy'keen trading post on the surface allowed me avoid pirate attacks, on the way to sell it at the space station. 

Currently undetected/unnamed Systems next to it:
Lafquenotc Boundary:

  • Etlichnovit-Nugmai [19 ly clossest system]
  • Revakazansky-Neti 
  • Rolyovkazo-Pix 
  • Iskoveylkins 

Next three systems towards the core:

  • Onilandaledz II (Tsildop Frindge)
  • Izanskyfin (Lafquenotc Boundary)
  • Urovkoelidre (Lafquenotc Boundary)

Save Journey, 


I just woke up next to this portal thingy today and realised where I am.

The first planet I land on with my new ship and it just happens to be sugar coated with Vortex Cubes all frigging over. Those things are literally everywhere. 10.000's of the them. Minimum. More. Where ever you land you can collect 5 in a radius of about 200 steps.

If I would would not know it better than I would think that somebody shot thousands and thousands of this thingies through the Portal I slept next to in my ship over night on to this planet for me. Well, ... thought that would be merely a wishful thinking I guess. Though today one could almost make me believe that this reality in which I got stranded at the far edge of the  Galaxy is based on some sort of intelligent design.
Well, voila, Что ж & saperlot ... my path to the centre of the galaxy will now be truly well pre-financed, once I mined/collected here for a couple of days.

From the wake at overheated baking oven of a planet, with a massive hangover on top of it, ... into the galaxies finest treasure chamber.

I still cant believe my luck to stumble across it in my ship. Guess one day a fellow lucky traveller will fall into a portal in order to try his/her random luck and stumble across this planet.
Don't envy them though. They will have a long walk to the trading post to call for a space ship. Wish them to have some advanced equipment along that gets you up to the space station to buy a new ship. Would even deposit one now, in preparation for them, ... if I knew how.

If I now stumble across a Space Station, on the way to the core, that serves me some Ice Cold "Kaiser Beer", then I start building Monuments in the name of the Atlas Guidance System and beer bottles made of gold.

Like that one: